Maple Leaf Weekend, 2021
It’s here, and although the leaves haven’t fully turned yet, Baldwin is humming with activity ahead of the weekend! Grab a digital map here, pick up some great insider tips from the Baldwin City Community News and get out to the festival Saturday and/or Sunday. Share your current or past memories with the hashtag #mapleleafmemories if you like.
Do you currently or will you in the next two years have a student attending Baldwin Middle or High School?
Take one minute to fill out this short survey and let the Boys & Girls Club know if you would like to see expanded programming in Baldwin City.
Here’s your chance to share your vision for Baldwin City with City leadership.
Rallying around a vision for our future as we identify priorities to achieve that vision.
Over the next several months, the Baldwin City community will be engaged in a process designed to rally around a vision for its future as well as identify priorities to achieve that vision. The City will host two community conversations in which participants will engage in small group discussions designed to determine how to make Baldwin City a place for everyone.
Join the first conversation from 6 – 8:30 p.m. October 28 in the basement at Baldwin First United Methodist Church, 704 8th Street, Baldwin City. The second conversation will take place November 9th.
Registration is required via Eventbrite.
This will be a highly interactive meeting in which all who live, work, and play in Baldwin City will discuss:
• What makes you proud to call Baldwin City your home?
• As you consider Baldwin City’s future, what do you hope will set it apart from other communities?
• What does Baldwin City need to pay attention to realize the vision of an even better Baldwin City?
Hometown Halloween is coming up!
…and Baldwin is buzzing with tricks and treats. Saturday, October 30th, there are fun adventures planned downtown beginning at 5pm. Bring the ghosts and ghouls and join the fun!
Interested in joining the Trunk or Treat? RSVP here.
Coming Up
October 16 & 17 — Maple Leaf Festival! Get the scoop.
October 19, 7:00pm — City Council Meeting (at the Library). Find agendas, live video streams, and other current information here and here.
October 23, 10am-2pm — DEA National Drug Take Back Event (at the Law Enforcement Center, 203 1st Street). Dispose of your expired, unused, unwanted Rx drugs, no questions asked, or find other take back sites nearby.
October 28, 6pm-8:30pm — A Place for Everyone: A Community Conversation in Baldwin City (basement of the 1st United Methodist Church). Registration required.
October 30, 5-8pm — Hometown Halloween: A Magical Evening (downtown Baldwin).
December 4, Festival of Lights & Parade (downtown Baldwin City). Enter the parade now!